When it comes to Beauty Treatment, the first part of your body that gets more privilege is your face. Face being the most exposed area of your body frequently comes in contact with all the harmful toxins present in the atmosphere. Hence, that needs to be protected at its best, as face projects the trailer of your inert beauty which needs to be maintained.
All the chemical based products might lead to certain side-effects and to avoid such risks the best remedy is to choose from naturally occurring substances that are easily available at everyone’s house. There is another benefit of using home-based entities and i.e., your skin will forever look young because of being unhindered by any sorts of chemicals. Here, are some home based resolutions for your face that you should follow:

1. Application of dried orange and yogurt – To get a lightening skin, peel out the oranges and let the peelings get dried up under the raise of the sun, after a few days you will observe that the peelings have dried up and have also become crisp. Then, you can grind these dry peelings and make it like a powder and mix it with yogurt and apply it on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it properly. This will give you the softest and Gentle Looking Skin that you will never get from the parlors or salon.

2. Tomato, yogurt and oatmeal – A combination of these three is applicable for all sorts of skin. Just mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with one tablespoon of tomato juice and yogurt. Mix them well until a thick consistency is obtained. Apply this as mask on your face and leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. The results after this will just astonish you. You won’t be able to believe of the kind of glow that will come to your face.
3. Milk, lemon juice and honey – Take a tablespoon of milk and add fresh lemon juice to it, after this take a spoonful of honey and mix it properly. Due the presence of honey all the dry portions of your face will get moisturized. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes on your face and get the desired results.

4. Yoghurt – If you don’t want to get into any sorts of complications then simply apply yoghurt to your face, being a lactic acid you will get a naturally bleached and moisturized skin.