The eye makeup is an important part, as it helps women to boost their self-confidence and ego. The eyeliner was first used by the Ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian as a dark black line around their eyes. From 10000 BC, the Egyptian used to wear eyeliner to protect their eyes from the desert sun. Due to some superstitious belief, they used to wear liner to protect them from the evil spirit.
In the 1960s, liquid eyeliners were first invented to create thick black lines, around the eyes for fashion makeup purpose. In today’s world, some of the brands such as Nars cosmetics, elf cosmetics provide a good range of eye liners at a reasonable price.
Notable features
Every woman has a different shape and color of eyes; therefore, their application process also varies. The winged eyeliner or cat eyeliner is very popular among women all over the globe. To get a perfect winged eye; certain steps should be followed and the choice of eyeliner has to be done properly. Makeup tips are provided by various makeup artists, while online and various tutorials are also available. Some relevant information:
* Angled eyeliner brush: This brush helps to create the winged eyeliner easily. For a better result, the brush can be wet slightly for a neat result.
* Free hand guide: This method needs some practice and a steady hand to achieve the look. When applying free hand, it is best to use an eyeliner pencil, rather than a liquid liner.
* The help of tape: One of the easiest hacks to get a perfect wing is by using scotch tape. The tape should be cut around 2cm and be placed on the outer corner of the eyes in an angle of the desired wing. With the guidance of the tape the outline should be drawn with the eyeliner and when finished the tape should be removed to get the flawless look.
* Spoon: Another hack is to use a spoon. The handle of the spoon should be placed at the corner and the eyeliner should trace the handle. Now the curved portion should cup the eyelid and helps to create the curvy tip of the eyeliner.